Monday, June 23, 2008

Body Building Show

So one of the timeless feuds is "my car is faster than your car" or "my dad is stronger than your dad". Now I can't help with those arguments, but here is one I can settle...

My MOM is stronger than your mom!

My mom competed in her first body building show this past Saturday. After about a year of intense training and 5 months of strict dieting she was finally ready for her first show. She stormed her way to a second place finish. It was funny waiting for her to go up on stage because usually I get nervous for myself at the start of a race...but this time I was nervous for my mom.


Thanks for Reading!!!!!



Anonymous said...

Wow, your mom rules!

Bottle Rocket said...

cool, I wouldn't want to arm wrestle her.
I think that I've fixed the photos on my blog. did you see the one where I'm actually wearing a dress, gasp! can you believe it! lol
see you sometime!

ryan carneys friend said...

your mom dominates!